Building Bricks Pre-school
The Scout Hut
West Wold
West Leys Road
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU14 3LX
Building Bricks Pre-school
Located in the pretty East Riding village of Swanland and is conveniently situated next to the children’s well equipped playpark and community playing fields. The preschool is well established in Swanland having previously been in operation by the former owner for approximately 30 years. The preschool operates from the Ferriby and Swanland Scout Hut Headquarters. The preschool has use of a fully enclosed playground and also use of the adjacent playing fields.
At Swanland we are registered for 40 children from 2 years to the age at when they start school. Children can stay with us for half or full days. Our session times start at 9.00 am and finish at 12.00 or from 12.00 until 3.00 pm. A full day is 9.00 am until 3.00 pm. We are a term time only setting.
We now provide a Breakfast and Afterschool club each weekday with the exception of a Monday when only the Breakfast Club operates. Our wraparound sessions extend the preschool day to allow more flexibility for parents. Breakfast Club 7.30 am until 9.00 am. Afterschool Club 3.00 pm until 5.00 pm. Breakfast and Afterschool club sessions can be used as part of your funded hours or paid for as an additional extra. Ad hoc/Emergency Wraparound care is available with prior notice. If there is sufficient interest we will provide a holiday club during school holidays.
The majority of our children leave us to attend Swanland Primary School. Teachers from the school visit us each year during the Summer Term to meet the children as part of the transition process into school.
Telephone: 01482 632198
Manager: Becky Moulds
Ofsted Unique Reference Number: EY481228